A regra de 2 minutos para orgasme

Orgasme campuran: Kondisi ini terjadi ketika Anda mengalami orgame klitoris dan vagina secara bersamaan

The female orgasm tends to be driven by both physical and psychological arousal. Women can often experience simultaneous and multiple orgasms within a short period of time if stimulating activities continue.

Svarene er selvfølgelig blot udpluk af konklusionerne, som netop er blevet publiceret i tidsskriftet Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy – hvor du også kan læse mange flere forskellige svar fra kvinderne i studiet.

Para ahli sepakat bahwa tidak ada posisi tertentu dalam hubungan seksual yang paling mujarab bagi perempuan untuk mencapai klimaks.

Orgasms can occur in many ways. Orgasms do not necessarily have to involve the genitals, nor do they have to link with sexual desires, as evidenced by examples of exercise-induced orgasm.

Having an orgasm may also be referred to as "climaxing" or "coming." During orgasm, the heart beats faster, blood pressure rises, breath becomes quicker and heavier, and involuntary muscle contractions occur in the genitals and often throughout the body.

Salah satu posisi bercinta yang dinilai paling mudah menghasilkan orgasme campuran adalah misionaris. Pada posisi tersebut, klitoris akan ikut tergesek ketika penetrasi.

Anorgasmia situasional, artinya Anda dapat mengalami klimaks hanya dalam keadaan tertentu, seperti saat melakukan seks oral atau masturbasi, atau hanya dengan pasangan tertentu. 

In one study, males rated visual and olfactory information as being equally important for selecting a lover, while females considered olfactory information to be the single most important variable in mate choice. Additionally, when considering sexual activity, females singled out body odour from all other sensory experiences as most able to negatively affect desire.[34]

After ejaculation, men generally require a period of anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours or even days before another orgasm is possible.

According to the National Library of Medicine, approximately 80% of middle aged women with heart failure have reported a decrease in vaginal lubrication, leading to challenges in successful objetos sexual intercourse.[57] The reduction in lubrication affects the vaginal moisture during sexual activity. Women with hypoactive sexual desire (HSDD) may also experience a lack of interest in sexual stimuli, thus affecting their psychological responses to sexual cues.

Pada akhirnya, para ahli mengatakan bahwa tidak tips yang efektif jika tidak dipraktekkan secara teratur.

Ketakutan dan kecemasan selama hubungan seksual juga dapat menjadi penyebab kesulitan orgasme. Pemicunya termasuk:

Anorgasmia umum, artinya Anda tidak dapat mengalami klimaks dalam situasi apa pun atau dengan pasangan mana pun. 

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